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Mandarin Diamond: This bird is very easy to care for and a perfect animal for children.

Published:15 de September de 2021, 09:30 · birds

Mandarin Diamond: This bird is very easy to care for and a perfect animal for children.


The mandarin diamondbird is the only species in the genus Taeniopygia and belongs to the finches (estrildids), which form a family in the suborder of songbirds (passeri).

Mandarin diamonds are divided into two subspecies:

Subspecies: Australian Mandarin Diamond. Timor mandarin diamond.
Scientific name: Taeniopygia guttata castanotis. Taeniopygia guttata guttata.
Origin: Australia and the Lesser Sunda Islands. Timor, Southeast Asia.

The Australian finch mandarin (Taeniopygia guttata castanotis) is the original wild form of our current domestic fowl. Found almost throughout Australia, avoiding only the moist tropical forests of the northeast and some coastal regions.

It is also found on the smaller Sunda Islands.

It is not clear when and how exactly the diamond mandarin (Taeniopygia guttata castanotis) arrived in Europe as a domestic bird.

What we do know is that at the beginning of the 20th century it was already one of the most frequent ornamental birds.

The mandarin finch is a kind of small bird.

Males have mottled grey, brown, and white plumage and a distinctive coral-colored bill.

Females have a softer bill and their plumage is much lighter.

This little guy can reach 13 centimeters tall and his origin is Australian.

But his physique is not the only striking thing about the diamond bird.

It is also a very sociable species and is used to living in a colony, so if you decide to bring one to your home, it is best to do it with company.

At Glu Glu Pet we recommend that when you take him home for the first time, give him enough space and time to get used to your presence.

Mandarin Diamond: This bird is very easy to care for and a perfect animal for children. - Imagen 1

Mandarin Diamond: This bird is very easy to care for and a perfect animal for children. - Imagen 2


The zebra finch is a small ornamental bird with a compact build.

It is about 12 centimeters long and weighs 12-14 grams.

It has eyes on the sides of its head and with them it can process up to 120 images per second.

In this way, as prey it has its predators always in sight.

The strong little red-orange bill is perfect for eating grains.

Thanks to its short and angular wings it is also very fast and agile, something very important for birds in the wild.

The upper coverts are black with large white spots and reach almost to the end of the dark gray tail fins.

The plumage of the belly is white.

A typical characteristic is the orange patch on the cheek in males, as well as the teardrop-shaped stripe under the eyes and the zebra pattern on the chest, to which it owes one of its names.

Mandarin Diamond: This bird is very easy to care for and a perfect animal for children. - Imagen 3


Adult males and females of the wild Mandarin Diamondback are very easy to distinguish.

The male's plumage color is more intense and the female does not have the orange cheek patch.

Breeding of these popular domestic birds has resulted in many other colors apart from the beautiful wild form. There are currently more than 50 recognized breeding forms.

Young birds do not show any typical distinguishing features at first.

They have grayish white feathers and these become colored after the first molt.

The beak is black and gradually turns red during the first four months.

Mandarin Diamond: This bird is very easy to care for and a perfect animal for children. - Imagen 4


Along with the parakeet and the canary, the zebra finch is one of the most popular pet birds.

And rightly so, as this graceful little ornamental bird is a delight to behold.

From acrobatic flights to diligent nest building to energetic hopping, the lively Diamondback Mandarin always has something to teach.

This bird is very easy to care for and a perfect animal for children. Of course, there are very few that are easily tamed. By nature, finches have a hard time building trust.

The zebra finch likes to socialize and feels good in the flock.

Therefore, it is better that you have one or several pairs.

You will have a great time with the social coexistence of the couples.

Mandarin diamond pairs often stay together for years and enjoy each other's company.

Mandarin Diamond: This bird is very easy to care for and a perfect animal for children. - Imagen 5


At about three months they are already sexually mature, but before mating for the first time they should be at least six months old.

The Mandarin diamond likes to reproduce.

If you are considering having Mandarin diamonds, you will also have to think about offspring and breeding soon.

Mandarin Diamond: This bird is very easy to care for and a perfect animal for children. - Imagen 6


These birds are passionate nest builders, building round nests with various materials and a great deal of skill.

In them, females lay between four and six eggs.

The chicks hatch after about 12 days of incubation.

Another 21 days later, the birds become independent and leave the nest.

Make sure you have enough nesting material or a bird basket.

Mandarin Diamond: This bird is very easy to care for and a perfect animal for children. - Imagen 7


The Mandarin Diamondbird can also be kept with other species of birds.

Socialization is usually very easy with nymphs.

They can also coexist perfectly with other domestic birds, such as canaries, parakeets or Japanese capuchins. For this you must have a large birdhouse. Otherwise, they could fight over nest material and territory.

Mandarin Diamond: This bird is very easy to care for and a perfect animal for children. - Imagen 8


The ideal place for the diamond bird to live comfortably is a large cage so that it can fly without problems.

The more mandarin diamonds you have, the bigger the cage will have to be.

It is essential that the cage always has water, a bathtub inside will allow it to splash comfortably in the water as it usually does in its natural habitat.

It must also have two sticks of different thickness with which it can exercise its legs and, of course, also with a feeder and drinker.

Place his cage in a bright place, good access to sunlight is ideal for the Mandarin finch.

It is best to place it next to a window or on a terrace.

Not only will you enjoy, but you will also stimulate your metabolism.

With good care, these birds can live up to ten years.

In addition, with a suitable habitat for the species, you will contribute greatly to its well-being.

The lively Mandarin Diamond feels best in a spacious cage.

The cage must measure at least 80 x 60 x 40 cm per pair.

If you let your zebra finch roam freely on a daily basis, a compact cage with a pull-out litter box is ideal.

The Mandarin Diamond needs to feel safe.

When you buy the cage, make sure it has a closed wooden face so that it feels well protected.

In addition, it is convenient to place it in a quiet place.

If you want to keep a small flock, a large aviary is best for these birds.

At our degrees of latitude, mandarin diamonds have no special requirements regarding ambient temperature.

You can keep the birds in an outdoor aviary from April to October.

Avoid taking them out on cold and wet days.

Temperatures up to 15°C are harmless to the mandarin finch.

These Australian sun worshipers love to enjoy 12 to 14 hours of sunshine a day.

In the winter months, we recommend that you use artificial lighting that offers them a regular daily rhythm.

The light must not flicker and must be regulated to levels suitable for birds.

The lamps must be dimmable.

The ideal place for the diamond bird to live comfortably is a large cage so that it can fly without problems.

The more mandarin diamonds you have, the bigger the cage will have to be.

In this cage it is essential that it always has water, a bathtub inside will allow it to splash comfortably in the water as it usually does in its natural habitat.

It must also have two sticks of different thickness with which it can exercise its legs and, of course, also with a feeder and drinker.

Place his cage in a bright place, good access to sunlight is ideal for the Mandarin finch. It is best to place it next to a window or on a terrace.

Not only will you enjoy, but you will also stimulate your metabolism.


At Glu Glu Pet we tell you the most basic.

Any cage should be equipped with a feeder and drinker.

For hygiene reasons, clay or metal feeders are better than plastic ones.

Also purchase a limestone or other finch mineral block as an additional mineral source.

It is also important to have a bowl of bird litter for the Mandarin finch's digestion.

These lively birds love to bathe.

The mandarin diamondbird needs stimuli to move.

He loves to go exploring, jumping from stick to stick and diversity.

Give it plenty of perching sticks and change their position regularly.

Swings and spirals are also very suitable.

There are a number of building materials that you can offer the Mandarin Diamond to build the nest.

Straw mats or pleitas work very well, which can be fixed to the fence of the cage.

Shredded paper, short woolen threads and string are also handy for your creativity.

Mandarin finches need background noise to feel good, and silence causes them stress.

The twittering of his compadres and the little noise of the bells provide the necessary background noise.

If you're not going to be home, play music at a soft volume to calm them down.

At night, these small ornamental birds seek the protection of the nest-dormitory with their partner.


To maintain the health of the mandarin diamond, cleaning is an absolute must.

Therefore, clean the drinker, the feeder, the litter box and the bathtub daily.

Wipe the cage inside and out once a week and clean it thoroughly monthly.


If possible, let the zebra finch fly free once a day.

Free flight is a prime time for these agile acrobats.

Try to minimize the dangers that lie in wait for these curious explorers.

Glass from windows, doors, and candles could be very dangerous for them.

At Glu Glu Pet we recommend some of the most important holding requirements for the Mandarin Diamond:

  • Cage size: 80 x 60 x 40 cm per pair.
  • Outdoor aviary: temperatures up to 15 °C.
  • Location: sheltered and bright.
  • Ideal daytime hours: 12-14 hours (lighting required in winter).
  • Sticks, swings and spirals to keep them active.
  • Material to build the nest.
  • Protected nests for sleeping.
  • Daily cleaning of the feeder, the drinker and the bathtub.
  • Free flight daily.

Mandarin Diamond: This bird is very easy to care for and a perfect animal for children. - Imagen 9


Like parakeets, it is essentially granivorous.

White millet, yellow millet, flax seeds, Nigerian seeds or even rapeseed are some of the most appropriate for your diet due to their rich contribution in carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and fats.

But diamond birds also need a supply of animal protein.

This is what they get by eating worms, but also other foods such as boiled eggs or cheese.

Endive, lettuce, celery, pears or apples are some of the most beneficial vegetables and fruits for them.

Ideally, they eat them 2 or 3 times a week.

An extra of minerals that they will be able to obtain thanks to the cuttlefish bone just like other species such as parrots do.

In addition to the basic food based on grains of different types of millet and grass seeds, the Mandarin diamond likes to eat fresh forage daily, such as parsley or dandelions, as well as vegetables and fruit. Also give brood paste regularly.


The mandarin diamond also sings.

It is their way of communicating with others and they do not stop doing it all day.

When they reach puberty, their song resembles that of their parents more and more, and we assure you that it will surprise you.


Mandarin diamonds are somewhat difficult birds to educate, apart from their small size, also because of their nervous behavior.

Although with patience it can be achieved.

The easiest way to educate a Mandarin Diamond is that they have been born in captivity and if it might be on our property.

Since they were little we feed them with porridge, and the mother also feeds them, until they are 20 days old when we can separate them from the mother.

It's good because since they're born, they're in contact with humans and they won't be afraid of us when they're older and we pick them up or touch them.

Of course, we must never forget that by natural instinct it will fly away if we leave the windows open, so whenever we practice it must be in a closed space.

To teach them to climb on our hand, we only need to climb them on our hand from a young age and give them some prize, such as food.

If our little bird has not been born on our property, it will be much more difficult to educate it.

First we have to put the cage at the height of our eyes because if it is too low the bird is inferior and it scares us, if it is higher than our eyes the bird takes superiority.

So if we keep it somewhere in the middle we'll be on a level playing field.

Another point would be to put the cage in a busy place in the house so that it gets used to our presence.

Later we will approach the cage and if the bird does not get nervous, it is that it has taken us a little confidence.

We will repeat the previous step several times for several days, until the bird gets completely used to our presence.

Once he is completely used to our presence, we will put his hand in the cage and leave him still for 2 minutes, until he does not get nervous when we put his hand in the cage.

Once the previous step is completed, we will take a little of the food that he likes the most with his fingers and we will bring it closer to him until he takes it.

We will continue like this until one day we put the food in the palm of our hand and he has to go get it by placing himself on top of our hand.

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