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Colored parakeets are the result of the mutation of the Australian parakeet when reproducing.

Published:26 de January de 2022, 09:30 · birds

Colored parakeets are the result of the mutation of the Australian parakeet when reproducing.

Parakeets are one of the most common pet birds.

Within the parakeet family these can be distinguished in several ways, within the Australian parakeets we find what are known as colored parakeets.

Colored parakeets are the result of mutations that the nominal species of the Australian parakeet has suffered when reproducing, both naturally and by the hand of man, with other birds of the same family.

As a result, what are known as colored parakeets emerged, some birds that turn out to be quite beautiful to look at.


If we simply base ourselves on what the color mutations of parakeets would be, we find that there are a total of nine color varieties, such as:


It is also known as flavo parakeets, which have a yellow mask, which can also be white, with two violet or blue gular spots, as well as six brown pearls.

The undulations occupy its head, neck, back and wings, which are also a brownish color reminiscent of pearls.

The remiges also have a brown color, but with a grayish touch, like the feather on their tail.

As a general rule, the color of its body is greenish-yellow, or bluish-white.

Their eyes are red and the males have a waxy pink or bluish-pink hue, while the female is bluish-white to dark brown.

Colored parakeets are the result of the mutation of the Australian parakeet when reproducing. - Imagen 1


They are very similar to ino parakeets, since the color of their feathers is yellow or white, but their eyes are black with white irises.

Colored parakeets are the result of the mutation of the Australian parakeet when reproducing. - Imagen 2


It could be said that they are identical to common parakeets, except that the color of their body is a light color, both yellow and white, in addition to the fact that the remiges and tail feathers have lighter shades.

They are endemic to Texas.

Colored parakeets are the result of the mutation of the Australian parakeet when reproducing. - Imagen 3


If there is something that characterizes this mutation, it is that they have a V-shaped drawing on the nape, their back and the back of the wings.

This drawing is formed by the presence of gray ripples on the light background of this part of the body.

On the rest of its wings, the undulations are black with a light background.

Colored parakeets are the result of the mutation of the Australian parakeet when reproducing. - Imagen 4


It could be said that it is one of the most popular color varieties in the world.

Since the mask on her face is black, the pearls on her face are not visible.

In addition, the gular spots are blue, or violet, while the body has undulations of a light color with black plumage.

Colored parakeets are the result of the mutation of the Australian parakeet when reproducing. - Imagen 5


The mask of his face is white with six black pearls and two gular spots of a dark violet tone.

The wavy markings on its body are black, with a white background, and the color of the body is a fairly intense bluish-gray tone, almost black.

Colored parakeets are the result of the mutation of the Australian parakeet when reproducing. - Imagen 6


The color of its feathers is almost completely black, or a dark gray tone.

The main difference with the slate parakeets is the bluish tint of their feathers, which is a little lighter.

Colored parakeets are the result of the mutation of the Australian parakeet when reproducing. - Imagen 7


Half of his body has colored lines, but with a vertical line his body is cut by a blue portion and a green portion.

Some specimens may have two different colors on each half of their body.

Colored parakeets are the result of the mutation of the Australian parakeet when reproducing. - Imagen 8


At first glance they may look like normal parakeets, but after their first molt, yellow or white spots begin to appear on their feathers.

They first appear on the back and lower abdomen, and little by little they spread to the rest of the parakeet's body.

Colored parakeets are the result of the mutation of the Australian parakeet when reproducing. - Imagen 9


Although it is a mutation of the nominal species, there is nothing to worry about.

The care is exactly the same as for a normal parakeet.

Their cage has to be of a medium size, since they usually measure between 10 – 18 cm, with a rectangular or square shape.

Birds find it very stressful to live in oval or house-shaped cages.

And with the bars that are not too far apart to prevent them from escaping.

Also remember that you have to avoid putting his cage in a place where he can perceive a lot of noise, such as the balcony, or where he can be exposed to drafts.

The cage should also not be in the kitchen or in areas where the bird may be exposed to smoke.


The diet consists mainly of canary grass, with millet, hemp seed, corn, but you can also give it a little breadcrumbs or some piece of fruit and vegetables.

So that they live better, in the water it is advisable to add some vitamin complex, thus taking care of their feathers.

Colored parakeets are the result of the mutation of the Australian parakeet when reproducing. - Imagen 11

Colored parakeets are the result of the mutation of the Australian parakeet when reproducing. - Imagen 12

Colored parakeets are the result of the mutation of the Australian parakeet when reproducing. - Imagen 13

Colored parakeets are the result of the mutation of the Australian parakeet when reproducing. - Imagen 14

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Colored parakeets are the result of the mutation of the Australian parakeet when reproducing. - Imagen 15

Colored parakeets are the result of the mutation of the Australian parakeet when reproducing. - Imagen 16

Colored parakeets are the result of the mutation of the Australian parakeet when reproducing. - Imagen 17

Colored parakeets are the result of the mutation of the Australian parakeet when reproducing. - Imagen 18

Colored parakeets are the result of the mutation of the Australian parakeet when reproducing. - Imagen 19

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