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How to take care of your guinea pig.

Published:24 de February de 2021, 09:30 · rodents

How to take care of your guinea pig.


Cavia porcelus is its scientific name but informally it is known more as guinea pig or guinea pig. Outside our borders and more specifically in Latin America, where it comes from, this small rodent receives the name of guinea pig.

Guinea pig: Although guinea pigs are also called guinea pigs, they do not come from this region but from the Andes.

In Latin America they are also known by the name of "cuy", which is the onomatopoeia of the sound they emit.

Used for medical research: Since ancient times, more specifically since the 17th century, guinea pigs have been used for medical experiments, receiving the well-known nickname of guinea pigs. Today rats and mice are used more for research.

They are eaten in some countries: In Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, guinea pig meat is eaten. Three breeds of guinea pig are raised: the Peruvian, the Andean and the Inti and are considered by many to be a delicacy.






5.- PRICE.

6.- CARE.



Nowadays, it is being raised more and more to have it as a pet, since it can live with small children. As such, the so-called type 3 guinea pig has been preferred; that is, the long, straight-haired guinea pigs called "Angora guinea pigs." Although some short-haired species are also preferred as pets.

The guinea pig is a gregarious animal, that is, it prefers to live in a community accompanied by other animals of its kind. In nature, they live in colonies of 5 to 10 individuals and, therefore, they will be happier if they live with other guinea pigs, given their sociable nature. However, it is also very territorial, so you have to be careful when looking for a partner.

Although in the wild they are active day and night, in the domestic environment they get used to the owner's schedule, and maintain a mainly daytime life.

They are very affectionate and need a lot of attention from their owners. They are animals of a single owner, so it is likely that they are notably more affectionate and cuddly with a single person, who they consider one of their clan, and quite distrustful of strangers and people with whom they do not trust.

They have a very good learning capacity, and can learn some tricks such as pawing or turning, although generally there must be food involved.

They emit very characteristic noises whose onomatopoeia is similar to "guinea pig, guinea pig", hence the name received in Latin America for these small rodents. These high-pitched sounds are a form of expression with different meanings: need for attention, hunger, fear, anger...

In addition, guinea pigs also purr when we pet them, scratch them, pamper them and they feel comfortable with us.

Guinea pigs are sociable and friendly animals, which is why they get along great with children from 6 years old. They like to rest and that is why we will often see them sleeping during the day even though, as we said before, they are diurnal.

Even being sociable, you have to be very careful with them because they are very skittish and nervous animals, so you have to be careful not to make loud noises, or quick or sudden movements near them.

Never grab any rodent by the back as this is where predators attack them and they get very scared.

Guinea pigs generally do not bite, but they do squeal often, either out of joy or fear.

It is important to keep in mind that it is a gregarious mammal, which means that in nature, guinea pigs live in colonies and have a hierarchy. From this we can learn that they feel a great need for company and socialization.

Just like humans, they need the company of other members of their species to be happy. If you've just adopted a guinea pig, she may feel sad to be separated from her guinea pig friends. If it is not possible for you to have more than one guinea pig, we recommend that you dedicate a lot of time and attention to it so that it is happy.

Of course, if you are going to bring together two or more guinea pigs, it is important that you take into account their sex, since if you adopt a female and a male you will end up with an unwanted litter (unless the male is sterilized).

It is also important to take into account the sex of the guinea pigs to avoid possible fights.

The first few days, it is good that you do not take the guinea pig out of its cage so that it has time to get used to the smell of the place and feel safe. Once she gets familiar and allows you to touch her, then you can have her out of the cage to interact with her.

For the safety of your things and their life, you must be very careful with the objects within their reach when they are out of the cage because they can bite them, such as cables.

Do not worry or get impatient if he is afraid at first, because it is normal, be patient and give him time to get to know you and gain confidence in you.

Once familiar, we must let it loose under supervision in a larger, conditioned and safe area for several hours a day.

How to take care of your guinea pig. - Imagen 1


There are several types of guinea pigs:

  • Short-haired guinea pigs: The short-haired breeds are; the smooth-haired, the rosette, the American, the English, the rex and the teddy.
  • Long-haired guinea pigs: The long-haired ones are; sheltie, coronet, angora, peruvian, texel, merino, alpaca and mohair. In addition to coming in a wide variety of colors, these breeds also exist with satin coats.

Guinea pigs are part of the cavid or cavid family (Caviidae), which are characterized by having a large, rectangular head and a tail that is not visible, but noticeable to the touch as a small extension of the spine.

Depending on the breed, the guinea pigs will have a larger or smaller size, but normally their weight in adulthood exceeds about 1,200 gr.

Guinea pigs have 4 fingers and 3 toes, and their nails are long, hollow, tube-shaped, and need to be trimmed periodically with small animal nail clippers . As with dogs, we must be careful not to cut too much, since guinea pigs also have a vein inside the nail that bleeds a lot if cut too much.

Being rodents, they only have 4 incisors, two above and two below, and unlike hamsters, their teeth are white. Guinea pigs have a multitude of molars that are not apparently visible and the last ones rub against the upper part of the neck. The teeth of guinea pigs, like those of other rodents (and lagomorphs) never stop growing, so a diet based on hard products and long-stranded hay is essential.

They are diurnal animals, that is, they usually sleep at night and are active during the day. An extremely important characteristic of guinea pigs is that they are sociable animals and must be in the company of others of the same species.

These little animals can measure between 20 and 35 centimeters in their adulthood.

The weight of guinea pigs varies depending on whether they are female or male:

  • Females: when they reach adulthood, females weigh between 800 and 1,200 grams.
  • Males: weigh between 1 kg and 1.5 kg, as long as they have adequate food.

Males of this species reach sexual maturity at 3 months and females at 6-8 weeks.

Their body temperature is 38ºC, so the ideal room temperature for them is 20-22ºC.

These are the main characteristics of guinea pigs:

  • Class: mammal.
  • Length: between 20 and 35 cm.
  • Weight: between 800 and 1,500 grams.
  • Longevity: between 5 and 8 years.
  • Maturity: males at 3 months and females at 6-8 weeks.
  • Reproduction: viviparous.
  • Pups per delivery: 3 to 5 pups.
  • Gestation: 65 to 70 days.
  • Weaning age: 3 to 4 weeks.
  • Habits: diurnal.
  • Food: herbivorous.
  • Character: skittish, gregarious and sociable.

Urine as a throwing weapon: If one guinea pig is insistently bothering another, the one that feels overwhelmed may throw a stream of urine at the other.

They eat their droppings: Guinea pigs generate two types of droppings, one of them they ingest because their body needs certain nutrients present in the stool.

Fine hearing: Guinea pigs are capable of hearing sounds up to 40,000 to 50,000 Hz and can emit vocalizations above 20,000 Hz.

Reproduction: Guinea pigs can procreate after two months and the young are born with their eyes open and covered with hair. They are even able to drink water and eat hay within a few hours of life. The pregnancy of the guinea pig lasts between approximately 60 and 70 days.

Their teeth do not stop growing: Like rabbits, guinea pigs' teeth do not stop growing. Therefore, they must have unlimited access to hay, so that they are filed.

Guinea pigs are small animals that can reach a kilo in weight and live between 5 and 8 years.

It is a pet that does not require large spaces, complicated care or an enormous amount of time, making it a perfect option if you want to have a little animal at home.

It also has a very affable and sociable character that children and adults will fall in love with.

Guinea pigs are intelligent animals that, with a little patience, can learn to do a few tricks.

Guinea pigs are very social and love to live in groups so they can play with others. There is a pack leader who is in charge of taking care of everyone. When they walk together, they walk in single file, following the largest guinea pig.


There are many guinea pig breeds depending on their coat, size and color, although the most popular breeds are the following:

  • Wild guinea pig : The wild guinea pig has a short, rough, grayish-brown coat to be able to sneak through the undergrowth.
  • Common short-haired guinea pig : It is the most widespread and smallest breed. He has short, straight hair and can combine hair of different colors.
  • Abyssinian guinea pig: Abyssinian guinea pigs are one of the largest breeds, and have long, soft hair that stands out for being born in the form of swirls or rosettes. Theoretically, the Abyssinian guinea pig should have at least eight rosettes to be purebred, although guinea pigs with fewer rosettes are also considered Abyssinian. Furthermore, according to veterinary experts, Abyssinian guinea pigs are the most intelligent breed of guinea pig.
  • Teddy guinea pig: Teddy guinea pigs are born from a genetic modification, and stand out for being one of the largest breeds (they weigh around 1,800 gr) and for having curly and very silky hair similar to that of a teddy bear.
  • Rex guinea pigs: Rex guinea pigs are the largest breed and have grayish hair and are almost 2 kg. of weight.
  • Himalayan guinea pig: Himalayan guinea pigs (or Himalayan guinea pigs) are one of the most exotic and original breeds. Their appearance is very curious and characteristic, since they have a single brown spot around the nose and the rest of the body is greyish-white. They also have red eyes as a result of certain genes related to albinism.
  • Skinny guinea pig: The skinny guinea pig, as its name suggests, has no hair on its entire body, except for a small tuft on the top of the head, and has a longer snout than that of a common guinea pig.

There are different kinds of guinea pigs that are generally distinguished by the length of their hair as well as the type of fur they have.

There are guinea pigs of:

  • Short hair.
  • Long-haired guinea pigs.
  • Curly-haired guinea pigs.
  • Hairless guinea pigs.

There are also Guinea pigs according to the color of their fur:

  • Unicolor guinea pigs.
  • Bicolor guinea pigs.
  • Tricolor guinea pigs.
  • The American Guinea Pig: It is the ideal guinea pig to have as a pet if you are inexperienced, as it does not need special hair care, such as the coronet guinea pig.

We can classify the different types of guinea pig as follows:

  • Depending on the color of the coat (unicolor guinea pig, bicolor guinea pig, tricolor guinea pig, Dutch guinea pig, Himalayan guinea pig and Dalmatian guinea pig).
  • Depending on the length of the coat (short-haired guinea pig, long-haired guinea pig, curly-haired guinea pig and hairless guinea pig).

According to the color of the coat we find the following races:

  • Unicolor guinea pig: The unicolor guinea pig is a guinea pig that has a single color coat, which is usually brown or black.
  • Bicolor guinea pig: The bicolor guinea pig is a guinea pig that has two-colored fur. They usually have a combination of two of the following colors: black, white or brown.
  • Tricolor guinea pig: The tricolor guinea pig is a short-haired guinea pig that, as its name indicates, has 3-colored fur. These colors are white, brown and black.
  • Dutch guinea pig: The Dutch guinea pig is a short-haired guinea pig that stands out for having a large white stripe from side to side of the body. It owes its name to the great resemblance it has to the Dutch flag. We can find it in different colors such as brown, light brown, black,... The Dutch guinea pig is the smallest guinea pig that we can find.
  • Himalayan Guinea Pig: The Himalayan guinea pig is a short-haired guinea pig that is the equivalent of the Siamese breed in cats. This guinea pig has white or tan fur and the tips of its legs, ears and snout are black or brown. This breed of guinea pig has red eyes. The Himalayan guinea pig is completely white at birth and it is in its first weeks of life that its extremities turn dark. This phenomenon is caused by the Himalayan gene. The Himalayan guinea pig is born completely white, it is an albino guinea pig because it has red eyes. If the guinea pig lives in a cold country, the gene is activated and the extremities begin to darken. On the contrary, if the guinea pig lives in a warm environment, then the gene will never be activated and the guinea pig will remain completely white. The explanation for this phenomenon is that in cold environments, evolutionarily speaking, it is logical that the ends of the body, which are the most prone to freezing, darken to receive more heat from the sun.
  • Dalmatian guinea pig: The Dalmatian guinea pig is a short-haired guinea pig that has a white background color with gray or brown mottles or spots evenly distributed throughout its body. The legs and head of the Dalmatian guinea pig are black or brown. This type of coat is very rare, since normally when two guinea pig colors are mixed, these colors mix, they do not form spots. We can find Dalmatian guinea pigs with black or gray spots and Dalmatian guinea pigs with brown spots.

Types of guinea pig according to the type of fur, we find the following breeds:

  • Short-haired guinea pigs: These guinea pigs have short and smooth hair, as well as being very soft. Among the short-haired guinea pigs we find the following breeds:
    • American guinea pig: The American guinea pig is the most common type of guinea pig as a pet and most common in stores. It is the most popular guinea pig breed. The American guinea pig is the oldest existing breed of its kind and began to be domesticated in the mid-16th century. At that time, the American guinea pig was known as the English guinea pig, a name that it still receives today in some countries. The American guinea pig has a rounded body and short, straight hair. It can be found in a wide variety of colors as well as many different color combinations. This breed of guinea pig is very docile and affectionate, a character that has made it very popular as a pet. It is a very friendly guinea pig with people and develops a strong bond with its caregiver. He has a very playful character, he loves to make sounds and ask you to pay attention to him; He enjoys a lot of caresses and pampering. It is an ideal person for everyone and also for families with children, although the guinea pig should never be left unattended if it is with a child. The coat of the American guinea pig does not require much care, it cleans itself well and will only need to be brushed from time to time. We should not bathe the guinea pigs so as not to destroy the protective layer they have on their skin, if it is very dirty we can use a cloth moistened with water.
    • Teddy guinea pig : The teddy guinea pig is a breed of guinea pig that gets its name from its resemblance to a teddy bear. It is one of the newer guinea pig breeds to emerge and has been growing in popularity in recent years. The fur of the Teddy guinea pig is very special, as they have short and very dense hair that is very soft. They have a leafy coat without rosettes. Although most Teddy guinea pigs have a very soft textured coat, there are Teddy guinea pigs that have less soft fur. As for their color, they can be found in any typical color in guinea pigs: brown, white, black or gray, although the Agouti pattern is the most common. Teddy the guinea pig has a smooth mustache. Teddy guinea pigs are affectionate and curious animals who love to explore. They have a playful nature that makes them good pets for children. Although this type of guinea pig does not need excessive care, it is necessary to brush it every two weeks with a soft brush to control its hair and help it to be cleaner. Teddy guinea pigs have a much drier skin than other breeds so it is especially important never to bathe them, if the guinea pig is very dirty we will use a damp cloth. This breed also tends to accumulate a lot of wax in its ears, so we should clean its ears from time to time. If we do not know how to do it, it is better to go to a veterinarian for advice.
    • Crested guinea pig or crown guinea pig: The crested guinea pig or self is a curious breed of guinea pig and difficult to find due to the difficulty of producing them. The crested guinea pig is characterized by having short, smooth hair, except for the hair on the head, which is longer, forming a kind of crown or crest.

There are two types of crested guinea pig:

  • American Crested Guinea Pig – Its crest is white, contrasting with the color of the rest of the body.
  • English Crested Guinea Pig – The color of the crest is the same as the rest of the body.
    The crested guinea pig can be found in different colors but especially in brown and black. These guinea pigs love to play and need to exercise a lot, but always in warm temperatures, as they cannot stand the cold. They love to explore, so they need to be out of their cage for at least an hour a day under supervision. They are quite shy guinea pigs but they like to receive affection.
  • Rex guinea pig : The rex guinea pig has hair similar in appearance to that of the teddy guinea pig, but these have rougher and thicker hair. Its fur, no more than 1 cm long, is something similar to wool that serves to protect itself from the cold. The Rex guinea pig is a good option if you have allergies to pet hair. This type of guinea pig also has the longest and droopiest ears. Also, the Rex guinea pig has curly whiskers. It receives its name, "Rex" because it is larger than the other breeds. Despite their name as a fearsome prehistoric predator, they are especially calm and affectionate. They are very docile and affectionate guinea pigs that need attention and pampering.
  • Agouti guinea pig : The agouti guinea pig is a short-haired guinea pig that has gray fur, similar to that of a chinchilla, although sometimes it can also be brownish gray. These guinea pigs are not common and are rather rare to find. When they are small they usually have intestinal problems so they should be given a special feed for intestinal problems and we should not abuse the prizes with them.
  • Long-haired guinea pigs: These guinea pigs have long hair and the length as well as the type of hair varies depending on the breed. Among the long-haired guinea pigs we find the following breeds:
    • Abyssinian guinea pig: The Abyssinian guinea pig is the most popular of the long-haired guinea pigs. This type of guinea pig is native to South America, from the Andes, like all guinea pigs. Although it does not have excessively long hair, its fur has a peculiarity: it grows in rosettes or swirls, giving it a voluminous appearance. These rosettes, around 6 to 8, are distributed throughout its body except for the head and belly.

There is a wide variety of colors in Abyssinian guinea pigs, the most curious are:

  • Brindle : It is a mixture of long black and reddish hairs all over the body. The light brindle has more reddish than black hairs and the dark brindle, on the contrary, it is the other way around, it has more black than reddish hairs.
  • Tortoiseshell or tortoiseshell : They have colored spots on their fur.
  • Roan – His fur is made up of blends of white. The Strawberry Roan has reddish hairs interspersed with the white ones and the Blue Roan has a mix of black and white hairs.
  • The Abyssinian guinea pig: it has a slightly different character than the other breeds, since we are talking about a slightly mischievous guinea pig. They are very mobile, energetic and curious guinea pigs, but that does not mean that they love being with their caregivers and enjoying pampering and attention. This breed of guinea pig is quite open to being trained and they learn things quite quickly, especially puppies. The males of this species are usually a little more intense in character than the females. Abyssinian guinea pigs, like other guinea pigs, should not be bathed so as not to destroy the protective layer they have on their skin. To maintain a clean and healthy coat we must brush them from time to time with a soft brush, they love that. We must pay special attention to the back, which is where it usually has more knots.
  • Peruvian guinea pig or Peruvian guinea pig: The Peruvian guinea pig or Peruvian guinea pig is not a very common type of guinea pig but its fur makes it very special. This breed of guinea pig is usually quite large, more so than other breeds, but they have a fairly small head compared to other breeds. The characteristic that makes them so unique is their long fur as a coat that usually reaches their feet. Unlike silkie guinea pigs, they have a hairline on the top of their heads that runs along their backs. The Peruvian guinea pig has two rosettes. We can find Peruvian guinea pigs in different colors and patterns although it will be rare to see a tricolor. Peruvian guinea pigs are very curious and love to explore. They also enjoy the company of their caregivers, so we must spend time playing with them and pampering them. This breed of guinea pig is one of the most difficult to maintain due to the great growth of its hair. It will be especially important to keep your environment clean; having such long hair, they will pick up all the dirt as they pass. It is necessary to brush them every day and even twice a day, not only to clean their hair but also to keep it free of knots. If we let her hair get tangled, this will be a great stress for her because it would be very uncomfortable for her. To facilitate the maintenance of their fur, we should also trim it when it begins to reach the ground, this will also help them to be more comfortable when it is hot.
  • Coronet guinea pig : The coronet guinea pig is a combination of the crested guinea pig and the silkie guinea pig. This guinea pig has very long hair and spiral hair grows on its forehead, it has a kind of crown or rosette in the middle of its head that can be the same or a different color than the rest of its fur. The hair of the coronet guinea pig falls on the sides marking a line in the middle of the back, making it striking. This type of guinea pig is very playful, curious and affectionate; always looking for attention. In this class of guinea pigs, brushing must be daily to remove the dirt that they drag and eliminate tangles, because if the tangles accumulate that would stress the guinea pig a lot. Its hair should also be trimmed as it grows to prevent it from dragging on the ground.
  • Sheltie or silkie guinea pig: Formerly known as the angora guinea pig, the sheltie or sheltand guinea pig is a guinea pig with long, smooth hair and no rosettes. It owes its name to the fact that it has a very silky coat, which begins to grow very quickly from birth. The Sheltie guinea pig bears a strong resemblance to the Peruvian guinea pig, but unlike the Peruvian guinea pig, its hair grows from the head to the torso, so they do not have hair on their faces. The sheltie guinea pig has a very relaxed and shy character, so at first it will take a little longer to get used to us. It is also very sensitive to bathing so we will avoid bathing it as much as possible, we can use dry shampoo to clean its fur or clean it by spraying it with a spray of water. This guinea pig is not capable of carrying out a cleaning routine like other breeds due to its fur, so we must help it to be clean. His coat requires daily brushing to keep it healthy and beautiful.
  • Curly-haired guinea pigs: These guinea pigs have curly hair and are not very common in pet stores. This type of guinea pig, due to the fur they have, requires special care.

Within the curly-haired guinea pigs we find the following breeds:

  • Texel guinea pig or tissilar guinea pig: The Texel guinea pig is a type of guinea pig that is highly sought after for its unique, curly coat. This is a relatively new guinea pig breed that is the result of a cross between a silkie guinea pig and a rex guinea pig. The Texel guinea pig is a guinea pig similar to the Sheltie guinea pig but has long, curly hair. The body of the Texel guinea pig also has a kind of skirt of curly hair on the back. The hair on the face area is much shorter than the rest of the body. This type of guinea pig will need, like other long-haired breeds, daily brushing to remove dirt and tangles. We must also cut it as it grows so that it does not drag on the ground, especially the back part must be well trimmed to prevent it from getting dirty with urine. They are also prone to accumulating wax in their ears, so we should clean their ears from time to time.
  • Alpaca guinea pig : The alpaca guinea pig is a guinea pig with thick, curly hair that grows forward and over the guinea pig's head. It is characterized by having two swirls at the back. They require a lot of constant care so that their hair is fluffy and healthy. We should not bathe her regularly because that can cause her to end up with dry skin.
  • Merino guinea pig : The merino guinea pig is a guinea pig that has long, curly hair, although with less defined curls than the texel guinea pig. His main characteristic is that he has a swirl on his forehead.
  • Hairless guinea pigs: There are also two breeds of guinea pig that have no hair at all, which are the result of a genetic modification created by humans. Being hairless, they need soft, furry surfaces to stay warm and comfortable. There is an essential difference between these two classes of guinea pigs:
    • Skinny guinea pig : The skinny guinea pig is a genetically modified breed. Its main and obvious characteristic is that it has no hair on its entire body. Although they do not have hair, they can be found in different skin colors: unicolor, bicolor and tricolor. This characteristic makes it especially sensitive and vulnerable to cold and temperature changes. This implies that your skin requires special care. If we adopt a skinny guinea pig to be healthy, it is best to do it in a warm season to prevent them from catching a cold during the trip home. In winter, we must place his cage on a raised surface and close to a heat source to avoid drafts and make him cold. Nor should the sun directly touch it because, having no hair, they could burn their skin. The skinny guinea pig is the ideal guinea pig for people who have allergies to pet hair because they do not shed any hair.
    • Baldwin guinea pig : Unlike the skinny guinea pig, the baldwin guinea pig is born with hair, but it loses it until it reaches adulthood. As with skinny guinea pigs, Baldwin guinea pigs are sensitive to changes in temperature and care must also be taken not to expose them to direct sun or cold.

How to take care of your guinea pig. - Imagen 2


They are herbivorous and need vitamin C supplies (from, for example, pieces of red pepper, tangerine or orange), so as not to get sick and die.

Their diet consists mainly of hay and includes vegetables, fruits and feed specially designed for them. For them to be very healthy, it is best that the vet recommends a good quality dry food.

They are herbivorous animals, so the contribution of fiber in the food is essential. On the other hand, the supply of vitamin C is highly necessary, since guinea pigs, primates and bats are the only species that do not synthesize this vitamin and if they are not provided with vitamin C, they can develop scurvy and die, so Pepper, guava should be included in your diet (it should be administered in small quantities due to its high sugar content), and never highly citrus products, such as orange, grapefruit or lemon.

A well-balanced diet should consist of fresh vegetables, hay, water, all complemented by kibble or commercial food.

To prevent deficiencies, the pet must be provided with a varied diet. Hay serves to cover the needs of carbohydrates and fiber. Alfalfa gives them calcium for their bones and it is essential.

Fruit and vegetables help meet your vitamin needs and much of your fluid needs.

For food, it is advisable to use heavy ceramic clay containers that resist tilting and the consequent fall of the food. Their sides should be high enough to keep bedding and feces away from food. On the other hand, it is very important that all the fresh food that we give our guinea pigs is at room temperature; It can never be fresh from the refrigerator.

Much of your fluid needs are met by eating fresh foods.

They should always have a drinker with clean and fresh water at their disposal. If you use water bottles equipped with a drinking tube, it will be easier to keep the water free from contamination. Guinea pigs tend to contaminate and clog their water bottles more than other domestic rodents, as they chew through the tube in order to get to the water, getting food particles into the bottle. For these reasons, all food and water containers in particular should be cleaned on a regular basis.

Being herbivorous animals, they should not be given meat, dairy products or pellets for rabbits (they do not contain vitamin C and some may even include antibiotics toxic to guinea pigs).

Guinea pigs are cecotrophic animals, a form of coprophagy specific to certain rodents where, after undergoing a first digestion of food, soft feces (cecotrophs) are generated that are consumed directly from the anus before they reach the ground. After a second digestion and after finishing absorbing all the nutrients in the small intestine, hard stools are formed that are definitively eliminated. This is an adaptation to take advantage of the nutrients when the participation of bacteria is necessary to make them assimilable (in a similar way to what happens in ruminants), since in this case the microbial activity takes place in the cecum, located behind the small intestine. This arrangement of the nutrient absorption duct before the microbial activity chamber makes this second round necessary in order to assimilate the processed food.

The guinea pig is a herbivorous rodent with a trailing digestive system, so hay is very important in its diet. Guinea pigs must be eating hay continuously for proper digestive function, so they must always have their hay box full.

Vitamin C is also essential for this rodent, since its body does not synthesize it, just as humans do not synthesize it either. The best way for our guinea pigs to take this vitamin is through peppers (especially red peppers) since they have a lot of vitamin C, so they must consume them daily in adequate amounts (a strip of pepper once a day is a serving correct), inside your salad.

Vitamin C is responsible for the capillary growth of the guinea pig. A well-fed guinea pig will have fur on the tops of its hands, feet, and behind its ears.

Guinea pigs can consume fresh fruit in small quantities only every 15 days and always without seeds or bones, since excess sugar seriously harms the health of rodents.

In addition, we must supplement their diet with special feed for guinea pigs, which will consist of 10% of their diet.

Avoid some foods such as cabbage, parsley, dairy products or onions, and keep in mind that fresh food should be at room temperature. The water must be fresh and clean at all times.

As for the feeding of these animals, they must be given a portion of vegetables and fresh fruit once a day. You can also give him a ration of good quality feed each day. You must bear in mind that guinea pigs are animals of habit and will appreciate that you follow a schedule for meals. You can feed him at two different times of the day, always at the same times.

We must not neglect its weight, we can weigh our guinea pig weekly on a kitchen scale. In this way, you will be able to control the overweight and you will notice if it loses or gains weight considerably, in that case, you should take it to a veterinarian.

At Glu Glu Pet we advise you what you should give your guinea pig for quality nutrition such as:

  • Hay for guinea pigs: Hay or alfalfa for guinea pigs is a mixture of natural herbs that your guinea pig should always have at its disposal. The guinea pig will slowly chew the hay, protecting its digestive system and teeth. Along with feed and nutritional supplements, it is part of your guinea pig's essential diet. Hay will stimulate your metabolism, help your bowel movement and keep you fit. A guinea pig that does not eat hay regularly can have serious health problems.
  • Fresh vegetables: They should be given at least one serving a day mixing different vegetables. If this is the first time your guinea pig has eaten vegetables, you should follow the 3-day rule. Three-day rule; We will be introducing the vegetables one by one to be able to distinguish which vegetable does not suit you. Each vegetable will be given to you for three consecutive days, starting with a very small amount and increasing the amount on the second and third days. If any symptom appears that it does not feel good (diarrhoea, gas,...) we will stop giving that vegetable and wait for the animal to recover before starting with another vegetable. Later, when we finish introducing the vegetables, we can try again with those that did not sit well with him or simply not give it to him. You have to start with vegetables and fruits that generally do not cause problems, such as apples, escarole, etc.
  • Vitamin C: Guinea pigs need a large supply of vitamin C in their diet because their body is not capable of producing it naturally on its own. When our guinea pig has a lack of vitamin C, it can have different symptoms such as colds, weakness, diarrhea, immobility, muscle bleeding and even tooth loss. To give our pet the amount of vitamin C necessary for his good health, we will include in his daily diet at least one vegetable rich in vitamin C such as red pepper or green pepper. Strawberries are also very rich in this vitamin, so we can also complement the pepper with some strawberry. Specific feed for this kind of animal generally contains vitamin C, but it degrades quickly once the container is opened.
  • Allowed vegetables:
    • Chard.
    • Celery.
    • Watercress.
    • Canons.
    • Endive.
    • Seedless green beans.
    • Pepper.
    • Endives.
    • Borage.
    • Artichoke.
    • Chicory.
    • arugula
    • Cucumber.
    • Carrot and beet greens.
    • Chinese cabbage.
    • Clover and dandelion.
  • Vegetables that can be given in moderation:
    • Spinach.
    • Cabbage.
    • Tomatoes.
    • Broccoli.
    • Carrot: You can give them very occasionally lettuce leaves but only the greenest parts. The carrot has a lot of sugar and will be given with the same frequency and quantity as the fruits.
  • Fresh fruits: Guinea pigs like fruit very much but you have to be careful not to overdo it as they contain a lot of sugar and can make them fat. It should be given in very small amounts and only 2 or 3 times a week. The most suitable fruits are:
    • Apple.
    • Pear.
    • Kiwi.
    • Strawberries.
    • Watermelon and pineapple.
    • Citrus can be given but in small quantities.
  • I think for guinea pigs : The feed should be given to complement the diet, not as a base. It must have a lot of fiber and be pellet feed (pressed feed). Avoid seeds and feed that has different elements that the guinea pig can choose from (we want it to eat everything, not just the parts that it likes the most).
  • Prohibited foods for guinea pigs: Foods of animal origin such as;
    • The meat.
    • Dairy.
    • Eggs are highly inadvisable since guinea pigs are herbivorous animals and feed only on vegetables.

Some plants or spices can be toxic to animals, so we should not give them to them under any circumstances.

Finally, all products that contain sugar (for human consumption) are not suitable for them. They can cause intestinal disorders and blindness, among others.

These are the foods that you should never give your guinea pig:

  • Nuts.
  • Vegetables.
  • Garlic.
  • Onion.
  • Leek.
  • Potato.
  • sweet potato
  • animal derivatives.
  • Sugar.
  • Avocado.
  • iceberg lettuce
  • Cauliflower.
  • Food for dogs or cats.
  • Cooked food.
  • Meat.
  • Coffee.
  • Salt.
  • Mint.
  • Processed oats (for human consumption).
  • Cheese and dairy in general.
  • Canned fruit or in syrup.
  • Chocolate.
  • Tomato leaves.
  • Poinsettia.
  • Bamboo leaves or stems.
  • tea leaves
  • Asparagus.
  • Belladonna.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Orchids.
  • Rhododendrons.
  • Ivy.
  • Ferns.
  • Cactus.
  • Carnation.
  • Geranium.
  • Castor.
  • Mistletoe.
  • primroses.
  • ficus.
  • Daffodil.
  • Juniper.
  • Oak.
  • poppies.
  • Cannabis.
  • Aloe vera.
  • bulbs.
  • Violet.
  • Yew.

How to take care of your guinea pig. - Imagen 3

5.- PRICE:

If we want to buy a guinea pig we can go to Glu Glu Pet, your trusted store, only authorized and legal sites can buy an animal in good condition.

It must be at least 6 to 7 weeks old and not have been weaned prematurely .

We will have to check that your hair is soft and without bald spots and that it does not have parasites.

It should have bright eyes that indicate that it is healthy and be active.

You should also check their legs, that they have no injuries or malformations.

Also check your teeth, make sure they are straight and strong.

Buying a guinea pig costs between 20 and 50 euros approximately and will depend on the breed. If you are interested in adopting a guinea pig, we advise you to ask at Glu Glu Pet, your trusted specialized store.

6.- CARE:

With proper care, these animals can live for 6 to 8 years. However, there are references to older guinea pigs, but this is less frequent. They normally live from 6 to 8 years, although they can reach up to 10 years on some occasions.

At Glu Glu Pet we advise you the best for the well-being and health of your guinea pig, so that they grow up healthy and happy, such as:

  • The cage or park: It must be very spacious so that the guinea pig can move freely. It is best to let him run around the room for at least two hours a day so that he can exercise properly. It must have a kind of hut where it can retire to sleep and a clay container for food, which are heavy so that it cannot tip over. Both the feeders and the drinkers must be cleaned daily. The enclosure needs daily cleaning and monthly disinfection.

    Guinea pigs must have adequate space, according to the number of tenants. That translates to a cage that is at least 120 centimeters long, 60 centimeters wide and 45 centimeters high. It is not recommended that they have more than one floor because they can fall. You can also keep them in an enclosure enclosed with panels, as long as they are safe both from possible escapes and from being reached by other animals. In this case, the minimum measurements for two guinea pigs is 2 square meters. The floor of the cage cannot be made of bars because guinea pigs have delicate legs and could injure themselves.

    It is important that we have the cage in a well-studied site since it must meet the following conditions:

    • Being indoors.
    • In a bright area but without direct sunlight.

    • There are no drafts.

    • A temperature does not oscillate often.
    • Keep out of reach of other animals.

    • Be in a quiet area without loud noises (for example, not near the kitchen) but close to you, so that you can keep each other company.

    • Be at a height of about 70 or 80 centimeters high (if it is at ground level, it will take longer for the owner to get used to it and will also interpret any movement that comes from above as the attack of a bird of prey).

    • Cage cleaning: We must clean the cage at least once a week and disinfect it (with specific disinfectants for animals) once a month.
  • We must place asubstrate: on the floor of the enclosure to absorb the urine of the guinea pig. The substrate must be covered with a rubber dish drainer sheet so that your feet do not suffer, since they have quite sensitive skin. The best substrate is corn and pressed recycled paper pellets . At the bottom of the cage we must put a substrate. This should be made of pressed paper or cellulose pellets. You should not put pressed sawdust pellets on them because it is too hard for their delicate legs and could damage them. We can also use corn or hemp substrate. We should not use either cat litter, wood chips or sawdust because it can cause serious health problems. We will have to cover the floor of the cage with at least 2 fingers thick. We must renew the substrate once a week, when cleaning the cage. We can remove faeces or wet or very dirty areas of the substrate daily.
  • Guinea pig accessories: You can add different accessories suitable for guinea pigs in its cage to improve its quality of life and make it happier, as well as take care of its health.
  • Bed for guinea pigs: Providing a shelter or shed for your guinea pig is of the utmost importance since this is where it will feel safe and where it will sleep. It can be an open nest, in that case cover it with a large amount of hay so that it feels like in its natural habitat. If it is closed, you can put a wooden shed on it and add substrate to the base to make it fit. It is not necessary to put cotton or fibers because they can eat it and drown. We can put a small towel on them to keep them warm.
  • Feeder for guinea pigs: It is advisable to put a heavy ceramic feeder so that it does not tip over. The feeder should not be higher than the guinea pig and it is recommended to have two; one for feed and one for vegetables. They must be cleaned every day.
  • Guinea pig drinker: The guinea pig must always have clean and fresh water available. For greater hygiene, it is better to put a bottle of water for rodents of at least 250 centiliters. The trough must be washed weekly.
  • Hay dispenser: It is important to place a hay bin or hay dispenser with a good amount of hay and that it is always available. We must change their hay every few days, when we see that it has begun to dry. It is not recommended to change it every day because it may happen that then you only choose the less fibrous parts and for your health we are interested that you also eat the most fibrous.
  • Woods to gnaw: It is important for guinea pigs to wear down their teeth. To do this, we can put wood to gnaw in its cage. These woods should not be treated (you can buy untreated pine wood). It is not recommended to put mineral stones.
  • Toys for guinea pigs: Care must be taken when providing toys as they can swallow some small elements of the toy.
  • Hygiene: Guinea pigs, as is often the case with rodents, are animals that wash themselves continuously. They do this by preening and licking their fur several times a day. Even so, we must know their habits and how we can improve their quality of life.
  • Bathing a guinea pig: These animals are very clean, so we will avoid bathing unless it is very necessary. To wash them we can use baby wipes. In case it is strictly necessary to bathe them, we must do it at a suitable temperature (neither too cold nor too hot, it must be lukewarm) and with special care not to wet their head or ears. As a shampoo, we will use a special one for rodents. We can also find dry shampoo for rodents in stores, which are powders that we can apply to their fur without wetting the animal at any time. To remove it, simply brush your hair with a soft brush. Dry shampoo absorbs dirt, oil and bad odors leaving hair scented. We will make sure that it is well dried (so that it does not catch a cold) using a very soft cotton towel. In no case will we use the dryer because it can be dangerous for the animal. Once dry, we can offer you a brushing of the hair with a small, soft brush to remove possible tangles and dead hair.
  • Guinea pig nails: In a domestic environment, guinea pig nails are usually not worn down. That is why you have to control your nails and cut the guinea pig's nails if necessary. A guinea pig or cat (not dog) nail clipper should be used without touching the pink area of the nail. It is advisable to go to a veterinarian to teach us how to do it safely since it is a delicate task in which we can cause the creature to hemorrhage if we do it wrong.


To have healthy guinea pigs and avoid diseases, you must:

  • Feed them well.
  • Keep cages clean.
  • Avoid the presence of spoiled food.
  • Quarantine new animals acquired for four days to observe their behavior before joining them with existing ones.
  • The introduction of a new animal should always be done in a neutral and odour-free territory, to facilitate integration.
  • A healthy guinea pig is a happy animal, with shiny hair, chubby, well developed and that eats well.
  • A guinea pig is sick when it is separated from the others, it corners, it is listless, it does not want to eat, its hair stands on end, its belly sinks, it has diarrhea and it loses weight rapidly. In this case, you have to quickly separate it from the others so that it does not infect them and go to a veterinarian specialized in exotic animals.

The most common diseases of guinea pigs are the following:

  • Infection with external parasites: lice, fleas, ticks and scabies. This can be controlled with good cage hygiene.
  • Cecal dysbiosis: it is very serious because it can cause the death of the animals. It can be caused by various factors, such as bacteria (Clostridium piriformis), low fiber levels and excessive easily fermentable carbohydrates, which generate caecal hypomotility. Regular hygiene and disinfection of the cages is recommended.
  • Pneumonia: use specific antibiotics and avoid cold and draughts.
  • Scurvy: it is caused by a lack of vitamin C, and generates internal bleeding. In this case, it is necessary to administer 2 drops of Redoxon (vitamin C in drops) for every 100 g of weight. Treatment should last until the guinea pig improves.

When we buy a guinea pig, it is advisable to take it to the vet for a check-up to check that it is in good health and to deworm it if necessary.

It is advisable to go to the vet at least once a year.

It is difficult to perceive if our guinea pig is sick, so our first alarm signal will be to see our pet hidden and sad. In this situation, we must take her to an exotics veterinarian immediately. If it is impossible for us to take her to an exotic animal specialist (that includes rodents) we can take her to a conventional veterinarian to be treated with a minimum of knowledge.

Symptoms that indicate that our guinea pig is sick:

  • Wounds on the skin or legs.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Excessive scratching.
  • Overweight.
  • Loss of weight or teeth.
  • He doesn't eat or drink.
  • Common diseases in guinea pigs.

Guinea pigs can get sick due to various factors such as poor diet, lack of care or accidents.

  • Vitamin C deficiency: It is the cause of many diseases since vitamin C is essential. To avoid this, it is important to provide our guinea pig with a source of vitamin C such as peppers.
  • Respiratory disease: It is very dangerous because it can lead to pneumonia. If our guinea pig coughs, sneezes or has mucus, it is most likely that your guinea pig has a cold. In that case, we must go to the vet immediately, we cannot wait.
  • Mites: The guinea pig usually scratches and causes injuries. It is important to take her to the vet to apply an antiparasitic.
  • Wounds, abscesses and fractures: It may be necessary to treat it with antibiotics and make cures.

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